Sunday, January 6, 2008

Mmmm oranges

I don't know if this is an extreme pregnancy craving or what, but right now I can't get enough oranges. Good thing they're in season. I buy at least six of them every time that I go to the produce stand. Last week I had to make an extra trip for more oranges, and I'm running low right now.
Less than a month until the baby comes! I am ready. I don't mean that I'm completely prepared for the baby, I mean, I'm done being pregnant. I really have easy pregnancies, and don't have anything to complain about, but I have just gotten to the point that I'm tired of waiting.


  1. we love tsatuma's...we literally ate 10 lbs. of them in 2 weeks...and bought 5 more lbs. to bring to NE...they don't sell that delicious bit of heaven up here. damn yankees.
    oh, and i totally get being over being pregnant. mine were both relatively low key, but in the end, i wanted it done.

  2. We're on a satsuma kick too. They're so yummy. I can't wait for you to be done too! I want to see baby Eli!

  3. same at our house. brooklyn and i can't get enough of any orange colored fruit. maybe it's the weather warming up on us.

  4. Oranges have lots of vitamine C and they are good for colds and stuff. It is a good craving to have. I totally understand what you mean when you say you are ready. I am the same, good pregnancies, but when I was almost at the end I was done beeing pregnant. I strongly think that it is a way that God helps us get ready for birth, and new baby.

  5. I'm personally a fan of satsumas and clementines...they're easier to peel. Eli, Eli, are you ready to come out?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I am loving the oranges too. I've only been buying three though, not six!
