Monday, April 7, 2008

"It's Jesus!" and an Eli smile

On Sunday, on our way to conference, Kailey fell asleep in the car. She slept through the first 15 minutes or so, and when she woke up, Pres. Uchtdorf was conducting, and she sat up, and said, "It's Jesus!"


  1. That's a virus, you might want to trash it QUICK!

  2. That made me think of that movie with Christina Applegate and Cameron Diaz. I can't think of the name, but Christina tells a little boy in church, "Look, it's Jesus!" to stop him from staring at her. Love the smile on little E.

  3. Eli is already so big...can't what to meet him! And that is too funny about Kailey...Brennan just kept asking if the speaker was our new a very serious voice.

  4. Too cute...both of them! It was fun hanging out the other night. We should do that more often just not so late!
