Thursday, July 17, 2008

Memory Tag

1. Add a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments. I can't wait to see what people remember.

It'll be fun! I tag all of y'all!


  1. One memory I have is of eating egg salad sandwiches in your grandma's van.
    Another being on the flag team and us having to deal with Sue K. and her ARM PIT HAIR!

  2. i also remember being on flag team with you. i remember in young wemons you and jamie eating straight crisco. i don't remember however if ya'll liked it or not.

  3. I always liked hanging out at your cool apartment downtown (the corner apartment) with the whole crew. What a group! I remember having Kool-aid and spaghetti for dinner over there! Every time we'd get together, it was a blast! Miss you too.

  4. I like to think about the many laughs that we shared the night that we installed your floor. And Joel trying to get the things you needed to stay @ your sisters that night, while you directed him around the house to find things .

  5. Since I have a million-bazillion memories with you I'm going to share one of my first memories - I remember playing on the bank of the bar pit with a tiny baby fish that Daddy caught and gave to us. We tried to grab it and hold it as it flipped around and then we pushed it back into the water. I think we must have been three or four.

  6. I remember laying on the floor, listening to the same music we had on the computer when we lived at Cypress Park and missing the "good ole days" through those songs. I remember you waking up, getting dressed for classes and then going back to sleep for a few more minutes every morning.I remember you putting on Lab Glasses to cut onions so you wouldn't get the vapors in your eyes!

    Sorry, i couldn't share just one!

  7. Do you remember when we used to climb over the fence at the River Palms Pool so we could go swimming in the middle of the night? I don't think any of us could do that these days. *sigh* those were some good times.

  8. I remember when we all went to Dallas before Joe went on his mission and I drove your green Saturn all the way there and Joe's brother got mad at me because I was driving too fast!

  9. Everybody always put memories from the past, well CHECK THIS OUT B! I'm bout ta put a memory from the FUTURE! You and I are walking along a path in the forest, each with our spouses at our side and right in front of us, Jesus.

    - Joe Hamilton

  10. I remember when I bsat KK when she was a baby fun times.

  11. I remember when we went to IKEA! The whole trip was crazy but I would do it again tomorrow (even with the 2 new additions).

  12. There are too many memories, but if I had to choose one I think that it would be jumping that fence at your ghetto apartment complex to smim in that pool that was really really cold.
