Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Shoot, hate, stupid, kill

Those are a few of the words that I am having to edit out of my vocabulary lately. Kailey has recently taken on a more colorful vocabulary. Lately she has started saying things like "I hate _______, " or "_______ is stupid." So I have been telling her not to say those words and giving her a nicer alternative to express her feelings. Well, the other day I said one of the "bad" words, I think it was stupid, and she gasped and said "mom, you are not supposed to say stupid!" So now I am having to be very careful what I say. I'm not trying to be super strict about the words, its just that sometimes she says them very dramatically and sometimes superfluously just for attention.


  1. We're going through the same thing with Ainsly. Everytime she gets upset it's either stupid or a loser. we haven't been able to break her of it yet, but we're still trying!

  2. Just so you know...they remember every word you say is bad, even if they still say it.
    Brennan STILL says, "Mom, you just said stupid and it's a bad word."
    Ugh. At least they are listening, right?

  3. I coulnd't count how many times Ben has gotten onto me for saying stupid. How funny. Ben thinks there are tons of words that are bad and is sure to tell us. Half the time he just heard us wrong. The other day he did it to Jesse in public very loudly, "Daddy that is a bad word, say your sorry." I think Jesse said something was silly but either way he was embarrassed. Kids are so funny!

  4. Email me your address at and I will invite you to our blog.

  5. I wish I was better at watching what I say around Max. He has a knack for picking up on anything that is impolite or even slightly rude.

  6. least they're not REAL bad words. I happen to know a little girlie who has a cursing mama...and her first word was a very colorful one. Though, this didn't stop the I'm sure she's said other colorful words too. No repercussion either I'm sure.

    Anyway..try to watch your not so colorful language around your little mynah bird. :)

  7. You're doing really good with your posting!
    This is the same thing going on at our house too. Well more so in the car for me. I'll often get road rage (not the crazy- run you off the road road rage) but that's where most of my 'stupids' and 'craps' get out.

  8. yeah, i believe most of my silly words are when i am driving. one time i got frustrated with a driver and yelled "GO" and kathryn repeated it with the same tone! it's tricky making sure you don't say the words you don't want to hear come out of your child's mouth, but i'm sure with time it'll be easier.

  9. We have to watch what we say around kids in the nursery. Who know they mock so well??
