Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Guess what we did today?

Played in the sprinkler. It has been in the 80's the last few days, and Kailey has been asking about getting out the wading pool. I kept telling her no, because I knew that the water would still be freezing cold. I went swimming in a lake once on April 1st, and those memories will be forever burned into my memory, or should I say frozen :) I couldn't resist the pun. So this morning the babies were itching to go outside and play. I had been putting it off because I had chores to do inside. I heard what I thought was the mailman and when I looked out, I couldn't resist any more. The weather was beautiful. When we got outside I started pulling weeds, then I decided to water some plants; this was the point of no return. There has NEVER been a single time that I have gotten the hose out to water plants that Kailey hasn't ended up soaked. She always finds a way to weasel into the path of the hose. I didn't try to fight it, when she came over to "wash her hands" I went ahead and let a little get on her shirt. She pretended like she wasn't trying to get wet and went back to playing, and a very short time later she returned. Her hands were dirty again. This time I really got her and she squealed and laughed. I sprayed Eli a little and he didn't really like it. He furrowed his brow, and when I made it rain with the hose, he shrugged his shoulders up and looked irritated. At that point I went ahead and got out the sprinkler and let them play in the sprinkler. Eli had more fun with the sprinkler.

Sorry that the picture is from so far away, phone doesn't have zoom, and its not very wise to get the phone in the water (i'm experienced in that one).
Here are a couple of other pictures that I had on my phone.

This is Eli trying on his new belt and tie. He really looks like a little Joel in this outfit :)
The last time that we were at the produce stand Kailey was pretending like this sweet potato was a phone. On a previous trip, she was following me around dancing and singing "shake your booty" An elderly man danced with her for a minute. It was super funny. The produce stand is a fun happening kind of place, in case you didn't know.


  1. I really miss produce stands...REALLY! I hate buying produce from the grocery story. It just isn't as good.
    As for the would come out as icicles here, but summer is coming...soon enough, right?

  2. Kailey looks so cute holding her sweet potato phone in her stylish sandals and embroidered jeans. And Eli is such a handsome little man. Where did you get his belt? Troy has been asking me to get one for Peyton since his pants are always falling down his skinny little hips! I have seen something called a 'Myself Belt' that I might look into and was wondering if that's what Eli has on. Sounds like a cool little belt.

  3. Glad to see you back!!!:) It's almost been a month!

  4. Look at little mini-Joel!!! That outfit looks just like something Joel would wear! I love that picture; it's so cute! And Kailey 'Leste looks so cute and sweet talking on her potato phone. I love these new pictures. That's nice that y'all got in some sprinkler fun. The only thing this warm spell has done for me is make some ham that fell out of a wal-mart bag stink up my whole car. I've had a spell of rotten luck lately. It's about time for things to turn around.

  5. Poor Jamie for having stinky ham car. :(

    Your kiddos look super super cute. Eli looks so handsome. I wish I had a yam phone. Everyone needs one. :) Hooray for sprinklers!

  6. yay for sprinklers! i wish kathryn wasn't afraid of them. she isn't a fan of water in her face...but they sure are fun. and Eli is just darling! i love all the miniature stuff we get to put in little boys...they get to be dressed up mini ties, suits, dress shoes, shirts. it's so cute. oh, by the way, i've had kailey's bows and belts done for a while, i just keep forgetting to tell you/bring them to church, but you don't come to nursery so i keep forgetting!!! so i'll put them in my car and try to remember to give them to you on sunday!

  7. My niece and nephew are just TOO CUTE! Eli looks like a little man in his Sunday outfit! That's exactly why Brandon calls him 'Lil Joel. I love it!

  8. what a little man he is! miss you guys!
