Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Moose surfing

Let me set the stage: We were having family prayers before Joel left for work, I had Kailey, and Eli was free. We usually don't hold onto him during prayers, because it will be a fight. So Eli just does his own thing during prayers. During the prayer this morning I peeked to check on Eli, and Joel must have peeked the same time that I did. We found him standing on top of the rocking moose, not holding on. I jumped up and got him off and Joel added to the prayer, "please bless hot rod Eli that he won't do anything too dangerous today."I obviously did not get a surfing shot, so you'll have to accept this less exciting version of Eli and the moose, taken this morning.


  1. Jackson does his own thing too during prayer. Eli is such a daredevil!

  2. That's some moose you've got there! *that's what she said!*

  3. no, seriously, it's a very cute moose. Lily and I are jealous. The moose is made even cuter by the surfer though!

  4. Good thing you peeked! Peyton always looks at us like "What are you guys doing?" He used to try to babble over us but now he just looks at us until we're done. I'm sure the days of him getting into all forms of mischief will be upon us soon. Luckily most family prayers occur when we're gathered around the table for a meal and that means Peyton is buckled into his seat- no wild antics for him {or at least until he's not using a booster seat anymore}! Eli is becoming quite the character!

  5. That's too funny. I also love Joel's add on to the prayer. I wonder if Kailey was thinking "hmmm they're not being very reverent"

  6. I need to try a little moose surfing. :)

    I'm kinda sad that I won't be able to attend Eli's birthday party. Flying to Louisiana isn't in the budget right now. I hope you take lots and lots of pics and send me some. :)

    Love and Hugs to all!
